Name | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 |
I.Undivided profit 1. Retirement of treasury stocks 2.Prior year's unappropriated retained earnings 3.Net income II.Appropriations of retained earnings 1.Legal reserves 2.Dividend A. Cash dividends Dividend per share - Common stock - Preferred Stock III.Unappropriated Retained earnings carried over to subsequent year |
241,895 -90,471 270,076 62,291 64,410 5,855 58,554 58,554 1500¿ø 1550¿ø 177,486 |
362,418 241,051 121,367 92,343 8,395 83,948 83,948 2,000¿ø 2,050¿ø 270,076 |
241,051 86,248 154,803 0 0 0 0 0¿ø 0¿ø 241,051 |
(Unit: Million won)